Nursing care to reduce obstetric risks in the immediate puerperium of adolescent girls




Nursing care, risk factors, adolescent mothers, postpartum period


Although there are advances in the science of nursing care, there is a need to deepen the knowledge of the nursing staff in the health context of Honduras about the fundamental role in the care provided to adolescents during the puerperium, for the detection of alarm signs and symptoms, prevention of complications, through compliance with the protocols of the national maternal and neonatal standard. Objective: the purpose of this study was to describe nursing care to reduce obstetric risks in the immediate puerperium of adolescents at the Leonardo Martínez Valenzuela Hospital, San Pedro Sula, Cortés, during the period from April to November, 2022. Patients and Methods: Mixed study, observational-nested design. The samples in the quantitative probabilistic phase were 118 adolescent puerperal women and the observation of the nursing staff was made up of 4 nursing graduates and 16 auxiliary nurses. The qualitative phase consisted of 6 professionals, 16 nursing assistants and 16 adolescent puerperal women by non-probabi- listic sampling. Questionnaire, observation, interview and focus group instruments were used. Results: Of the 118 puerperal women, 72 (61%) were between 14-16 years of age and the predominant level of education was 47 (39.8%) incomplete secondary school, 98 (83.1%) were in their first gestation. It was found that 99 (83.90%) of the adolescent mothers reported that vital signs were always taken; however, it was observed that the nursing staff in the delivery area did not perform this care. Among the difficulties expressed by the personnel were: "the rebelliousness of the adolescents, who do not allow themselves to be checked and distrust". Conclusion: it is concluded that the nursing care provided to the adolescent puerpera is partially fulfilled, since it is focused on generalized care, framing the difficulties in the care that the nursing staff faces, such as: rebelliousness and immaturity, in order to prevent risks in these young women.


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Author Biographies

Clariza Rosario García, National Autonomous University of Honduras of the Sula Valley

Master of the postgraduate course in Nursing with Orientation in Critical Care and Emergencies
at the University School of Health Sciences of the National Autonomous University
of Honduras in the Sula Valley (EUCS-UNAH–VS)

Sthephany Karolina Discua Paz, National Autonomous University of Honduras of the Sula Valley

Master of the postgraduate course in Nursing with Orientation in Critical
Care and Emergencies at the University School of Health Sciences of the
National Autonomous University of Honduras in the Sula Valley (EUCS-UNAH–VS)

Dilma Elizabeth Lobo Turcios, National Autonomous University of Honduras of the Sula Valley

Master in Public Health and professor at the School of Nursing Sciences of the
University School of Health Sciences (EUCS) of the National Autonomous University
of Honduras in the Sula Valley (UNAH–VS)



How to Cite

García, C. R., Discua Paz, S. K. ., & Lobo Turcios, D. E. . (2024). Nursing care to reduce obstetric risks in the immediate puerperium of adolescent girls. Revista Científica De La Escuela Universitaria De Las Ciencias De La Salud, 10(1), 6–17.



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