Nursing care in the management of decubitus ulcers infected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in geriatric patients




Nursing Care, Pseudomonas Infections, Pressure Ulcer


Pseudomonas aeruginosa belongs to the genus Pseudomonas and is the major human pathogen of this group, is invasive, toxigenic and causes infections in humans. Pressure ulcers are especially susceptible to infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa because the damaged skin and underlying tissues are an ideal environment for bacterial proliferation. Objective: To apply the Nursing Care Process (NCP), which guarantees care and promotes a greater degree of interaction between nurse, patient and family, a valuable tool in the care of the Nursing Professional. Methodology: Orderly description of the assessment, planning, execution and evaluation, oriented in the nursing care plan in Maryori Gordon's model, according to NANDA, NIC and NOC. This study corresponds to a geriatric male patient with decubitus ulcers in the buttocks infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, underlying diseases and other predisposing causes to this infectious agent. Result and discussion: there are in the patient a diffusion of mechanisms, specific host defense as relative immunosuppression where predisposing factors stand out among them, age, Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Arterial Hypertension, Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Bullous Pemphigoid, Acute Pyelonephritis and Decubitus Ulcer in the gluteal region and in other areas of the body, manifesting in these, the presence of P. Aeruginosas bacteria.


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Author Biographies

Lidia Maribel, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. TEC Danlí

Licenciada en Enfermeria, egresada de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Centro Tecnológico Danlí (UNAH-TEC).

Doris Judith López Rodriguez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. TEC Danlí

Profesora Universitaria en el centro Tecnológico de Danlí. UNAH-TEC Danlí. Desarrolla actividades de Docencia investigación y Vinculación. Licenciada en Enfermería jefa de Enfermería Hospital Básico Gabriela Alvarado. PhD en Ciencias de la Salud UNAN Managua. Maestría en Cuidados integrales de enfermería UML.



How to Cite

Maribel, L., & López Rodriguez, D. J. (2024). Nursing care in the management of decubitus ulcers infected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in geriatric patients. Revista Científica De La Escuela Universitaria De Las Ciencias De La Salud, 10(1), 60–72.