Aims and Scope

The Revista de la Escuela de Física is published in the School of Physics of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. One volume per year and two numbers per volume are published. The Revista de la Escuela de Física emerges as an instrument for the dissemination of research in the different areas of Physics, both experimental and theoretical.

The works published here range from the development of technologies based on physical principles, support software in research and teaching, methods for measuring relevant parameters, to summaries of historical and epistemological works. In any of the cases, the contributions must have some original contribution to scientific knowledge. The works can be presented by researchers or by students; in the latter case they must be presented with the sponsorship of a teacher.

This journal provides an open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. The reader can freely, without restrictions, read, download, copy, distribute or print an article, as long as due credit is given to the information obtained from their respective authors and to the Revista de la Escuela de Física.

Peer-Review Process

The documents sent to Revista de la Escuela de Física are submitted, in the first instance, to a process of editorial review and, second, to a peer review of anonymous specialists (blind peers). If the editorial decision is positive, the authors are contacted by the editor, in order to make the recommendations, modifications and changes suggested by the reviewers and, in some cases, a second review is carried out. When a general agreement of modifications is reached, the manuscripts are sent to the production process, to be published digitally. Only after receiving editorial acceptance, a manuscript can be considered "in press".

Any document submitted to the Journal will become the property of the Journal for archival purposes, according to the documentation control procedures of the institution.

Publication Frequency

The journal publishes two issues per year, in the months of June and December.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps in a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Escuela de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.

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