Contributi on from UNAH for the study of urban-architectural conditi ons of the municipality of Marcala in the design of a central intercity bus terminal


  • Nitzia Vásquez
    National Autonomous University of Honduras
  • Cindy Hernández Flores
    National Autonomous University of Honduras
  • Darlyn Martínez Martínez
    National Autonomous University of Honduras



bus station, honduran intercity routes, Marcala


The following research consists of a preliminary study for the design of a central station of urban and interurban transport in the municipality of Marcala, in the department of La Paz, Honduras. The main objective is to know the demand for public transport, coverage areas and radius of action to examine the urban dimension in which users and transport units are located. The application of field research methodology based on simple and participant observation; with a sample of 28 people (coun-cilors, leaders, users, and transport drivers), has allowed the collection of qualitative, quantitative, and inferential data through the application of surveys and interviews. It has been demonstrated through the analysis and interpretation of data, that the demographic and housing growth of the municipality of Marcala, has been projected towards the north of the city. Therefore, there are approximately 300 public transport units, where more than 53% are buses of 32 direct and indirect routes that converge in the urban structure of the municipality and its surroundings in the department of La Paz. Due to the existence of 3 informal transport terminals, this study recommends rearranging and structure one of the bus stations, which provides a road solution for the effective management of all interurban routes of the municipality of Marcala. In this way, it will be possible to improve the conditions of development and sustainable urban mobility, promoting local and foreign tourism.


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How to Cite

Vásquez , N. ., Hernández Flores , C. ., & Martínez Martínez , D. . (2023). Contributi on from UNAH for the study of urban-architectural conditi ons of the municipality of Marcala in the design of a central intercity bus terminal. Revista UNAH Sociedad, 5(VIII), 6–21.


