Relationship of soil cover and landslides in the urban area of ​​Las Vegas, Santa Bárbara 2014-2018


  • Liza Mariel Kafati Vásquez
    Maestría en Ordenamiento y Gestión del Territorio, Facultad de Ciencias Espaciales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras



Multitemporal analysis, risk analysis, landslides, land cover, deforestation and land use changes


In this research work, the influence of changes and dynamics in land cover on the susceptibility to landslide events for past and future scenarios in the urban area of the Municipality of Las Vegas, a municipality that has had urban growth, is analyzed. significant and uncontrolled in recent years. With this purpose, the aim is to prepare landslide inventories and soil cover maps for the years 2014 and 2016 and to be able to determine the years of greatest deterioration and/or degraded in scenarios of future periods, identifying the most and least forested areas of the Municipality of Las Vegas, Department of Santa Barbara. The aim is to analyze the probability events of landslides in two six-year periods until 2018, and some relevant data between the same period of time. All these advances will allow us to know if, in less forested areas, with changes in land use, extensive and intensive livestock farming, urban growth and anthropogenic activities which cause an impact on the conditions of the soil and its properties, an increase in the susceptibility to landslides. The data from the results can be used as support for territorial planning guidelines, urban zoning and risk and natural hazard management to reduce the risk of landslides in the urban area of the Municipality of Las Vegas.


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How to Cite

Kafati Vásquez, L. M. (2024). Relationship of soil cover and landslides in the urban area of ​​Las Vegas, Santa Bárbara 2014-2018. Ciencias Espaciales, 15(1), 25–43.



Ciencia y Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica