The CHIBIL KIN from an anthropological perspective. The dynamics of predation and devouring in Mayan eclipses




eclipses, maya, devouring


This article will discuss the act of devouring the celestial objects that occurred during eclipses among the Maya of different temporalities. The different leading agents in these acts of devouring will be focused and analyzed, and from the perspective of recent anthropological theories about predation, cannibalism and devouring in different parts of Abya Yala, including the Mesoamerican area, I will reflect on the act of devour the Sun and the Moon. Based on some questions such as: What would be the ontological implications of this moment? What is the role of non-human agents and the implication that the act of devouring the Sun or the Moon would cause them? With this, this research presents a first approach to this topic, in order to contribute to a better understanding of eclipses at different times in the histories of the Maya peoples.


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Author Biography

Daniel Grecco Pacheco , Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Posgrado en Arqueología, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México.



How to Cite

Grecco Pacheco , D. (2023). The CHIBIL KIN from an anthropological perspective. The dynamics of predation and devouring in Mayan eclipses. Ciencias Espaciales, 14(2), 77–91.



Arqueoastronomia y Astronomía Cultural