Focus and Scope

The Revista Ciencia y Tecnología is a biannual publication of the Directorate of Scientific and Postgraduate Research addressed to research professors working at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. The content of the journal includes an article or essay as the central theme of the journal, an interview section called open dialogue, and the thematic diversity section that will include articles from the following areas of knowledge:
1. Biological and Health Sciences
2. Physical-Mathematics
3. Social Sciences
4. Humanities and arts
5. Econo-administrative


Peer Review Process

  1. Articles and essays must be sent electronically to the following address:
  2. All articles sent for publication will be subject to review and arbitration processes by blind peers, to guarantee the reader and the author, the academic and scientific rigor of the publication. The reviewers are required to keep all work information confidential, even if they are not published.

Publication Frequency

The journal will be published biannually on the web page: specifically in the scientific research section, sub-section on publication, communication and dissemination. The journal is indexed in the Central American Journals Online database (, forming part of the Latindex Catalog.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Editorial Board

Directora de Revista
Nitzia J. Vasquez Alvarado,
Chief of Documentation and Information Department
a division of Scientific and Posgraduate Office,
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras

Consejo Editorial

Mirna Flores
Coordinadora General de Posgrado
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
UNAH, Honduras

Javier Mejuto
Coordinador Grupo de Investigación
Facultad de Ciencias Espaciales
UNAH, Honduras

Jackie Alger
Investigadora de la UIC
Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
UNAH, Honduras 

Edmundo Orellana
Profesor, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas
UNAH, Honduras

Roberto Avalos
Coordinador de grupo de investigación
Facultad de Ingeniería
UNAH, Honduras

América Alvarado
Facultad de Odontología
UNAH, Honduras

Ana Arévalo
Coordinadora Grupo de Investigación
Facultad de Química y Farmacia
UNAH, Honduras

Lilian Ferrufino
Miembro activo Grupo de Investigación de biología
Facultad de Ciencias
UNAH, Honduras

Manuel Flores
Investigador del IIES
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
UNAH, Honduras 

The Direction of the journal:

Leticia Salomón:
Head Chief of Scientific and Posgraduate Office
UNAH, Honduras

Nitzia J. Vasquez Alvarado,
Chief of Documentation and Information Department
a division of Scientific and Posgraduate Office
UNAH, Honduras

Iving Zelaya
Chief of Cooperation and Managemente Department
a division of Scientific and Posgraduate Office
UNAH, Honduras

Lesbia Buitrago,
Chief of Scientific Proyects,
a division of Scientific and Posgraduate Office, 
UNAH, Honduras

Edición, arte y diagramación
Departamento de Documentación e Información