La Revista de Derecho

The Law Review of the Legal Research Institute of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Honduras has an investigative trajectory of more than fifty (50) years, said academic product has managed to consolidate research and legal articles among other scientific works, that are part of the tradition of university work and are reflected in the Law Review, thus generating a national and international space for consolidated researchers with a long career in inquiry, as well as those who wish to exhibit their first works and intellectual productions. 

The articles published by La Revista de Derecho comply with the rigor of the scientific and legal research method. Our magazine is already the favorite place to publish for many who have the discipline and rigor to present their findings and scientific conjectures to the intellectual community as citizens in general, to shed light and facilitate the interpretation of legal reality in the light of the truth verified in their works.

Current Issue

Vol. 44 (2023)


Sección I: Investigaciones

Sección III: Ensayos

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