Focus and Scope

The Revista de Derecho is a Journal attached to the Legal Research Institute of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. Its main objective is the dissemination of original and unpublished Scientific-Legal articles and essays that have a high degree of efficiency, competitiveness and innovation of ideas, in order to solve and provide possible answers to problems of national and international interest in the legal field.

The Revista de Derecho of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, will have an annual periodicity and will publish no later than December 30 of each year those articles and legal-scientific essays concluded or of specific reflections that address the various topics in accordance with the strategic axes or research priorities established by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.

This journal is aimed at national and foreign research professors who have investigative competences framed within the scientific-legal field. In each publication, the journal seeks to feed the debate within the legal sciences and promote dialogue between the sources of law; for his efforts to address various issues from the perspective of comparative law. Its international projection and it is also its purpose to initiate the legal debate with scholars belonging to other legal systems.

Peer Review Process

The journal will carry out a process of review, opinion or arbitration of the articles submitted for publication, taking into account the following indications:

  1. All original writing will be submitted to the opinion process by academic peers (specialists), preferably under the modality of blind peers.
  2. The judgment process requires anonymity, at least on the part of the examiners or evaluators.
  3. The process of opinion or evaluation of the articles consists of a preliminary evaluation carried out by the editorial and scientific council in order to previously qualify the document in terms of form, substance, content and compliance with established publication standards.
  4. After this, the article will be sent to two pairs, in the blind pairs mode. Once the document is approved, it will be sent to the authors to make corrections or recommendations if this is the case. The document must be returned with the changes to continue with the editing process.
  5. In case of controversy between the reviewers, the article will be sent to a third peer and will return to the editorial and scientific council where the final decision of acceptance or rejection will be made. The final acceptance will depend on the modifications that the advisers of the editorial and scientific council propose to the author and the concept of the external peers.
  6. The editorial board of the Journal reserves the right to introduce formal modifications necessary to adapt the text to the publication regulations. If the article is not approved in the preliminary evaluation, or in the evaluation in the blind peer modality, the authors will be informed of the decision with a brief explanation from the Director of the Journal.
  7. Each peer reviewer will be given the opinion format used by the Revista de Derecho in order to clarify and facilitate the rating of the article.

Open access policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public, which fosters a greater global knowledge exchange.

Declaration of Ethics

The Law Review of the Institute of Legal Research of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Honduras, is attached and adhered to the ethics committee established in by the Directorate of Scientific Research and postgraduate degrees.

The ethical regulation of research articles will be developed through the approval of a Research Ethics Manual, in order to safeguard the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of the direct and indirect participants in the investigative processes; considering the related international regulations. criteria that can be verified through the following link:  

Anti-plagiarism tool

In order to verify the veracity, originality and authenticity of the content embodied in each of the articles and essays published, to promote ethics and scientific honesty, La Revista de Derecho will use the “PlagScan” tool.


Regarding the publication of scientific articles, the moral rights will correspond directly to the author of the work, however, the ownership in terms of economic rights will belong to the Instituto de investigación Jurídica, to which the Revista de Derecho is attached. This solemnity will be made effective through a written declaration of transfer of rights that must be signed and endorsed by the author or co-authors of the article in question.

Any application, article submissions, doubts or queries that may be directed to the Law Review attached to the Legal Research Institute can be sent to the following email address: Telephone: +504 2239-0709


Location and address of the magazine

Located at: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Address: First level, left wing of Building C2, “José Trinidad Reyes” University City, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Phone: (504) 2216-3000