
  • Stephanye Andino Ochoa
    Tigo Honduras
  • Javier Alejandro Díaz Briceño
    Honduran Young Arbitrators y Young ICCA



Honduras, CIADI, international investment law, international investment arbitration


Investment arbitration claims directed against the State of Honduras have raised both domestic and international attention due to the profound legal, economic and reputational implications they entail. This paper begins by presenting an introduction to the concept of investment arbitration and then focuses on the particular dynamics that Honduras has established with this field. This encompasses from its ratification process of the ICSID Convention to the legal framework underpinning investment arbitration within and out of the country. 

The study examines in detail the investment treaties ratified and the investment arbitration cases in which Honduras has participated and is participating, either as a disputing party or in a non-disputing position. Ultimately, the work culminates by projecting the future prospects for investment arbitration in Honduras, providing an informed view on how the country might adapt and improve its legal and regulatory approaches in this area. In sum, this study offers a rigorous exploration of the relationship between Honduras and investment arbitration, illuminating its past, present, and possible trajectories into the future.


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Author Biographies

Stephanye Andino Ochoa, Tigo Honduras

Abogada por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras; Investigadora Principal de Tigo Honduras/Millicom; integrante de Young ICCA; con múltiples participaciones en competencias internacionales sobre arbitraje; y, con estudios de especialización sobre arbitraje comercial y de inversión por la Universidad Finis Terrae y Arbanza, y sobre inversión extranjera directa por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

Javier Alejandro Díaz Briceño, Honduran Young Arbitrators y Young ICCA

Abogado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras; Legal Officer en Seshat Bank; integrante de Honduran Young Arbitrators y Young ICCA; con múltiples participaciones en competencias internacionales sobre arbitraje; y, con estudios de especialización en el derecho a la privacidad y protección de datos personales por el Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos.

Tobías Raudales, Creada por IA



How to Cite

Andino Ochoa, S., & Díaz Briceño, J. A. (2023). INVESTMENT ARBITRATION IN HONDURAS. La Revista De Derecho, 44, 111–134.



Sección I: Investigaciones