Focus and Scope

Portal de la Ciencia magazine is a biannual publication of the Directorate of Scientific and Postgraduate Research aimed specifically at undergraduate and graduate students, alone, in a group of students or in groups of students and teachers, provided that they come with the endorsement of the professor or investigator. It will include a central theme, an open dialogue section (which is an individual or collective interview on a central theme), the thematic diversity section that will include articles from the following areas of knowledge: a) biological and health; b) Physicomathematics; c) Humanities and Arts and social sciences; d) Economics and Administrative.

Peer Review Process

We require the author to name his or her professor who has been his/her scientific adviser, becaus this person acts as the first reviewer of the article.

Publication Frequency

This is a bianual publication from the Scientific Research Department in the UNAH.

Department of Scientific Research


Nitzia Janine Vásquez
Chief of Documentation and Information Department UNAH, Honduras

Editorial Board

German Moncada
Investigador de la carrera de Psicología
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales,
UNAH, Honduras

Rafael Corrales
representante ante el Consejo de Investigación,
Facultad de Ciencias Espaciales,
UNAH, Honduras

Edna Maradiaga
Jefa de UIC
Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
UNAH, Honduras

Javier López
Director del Instituto Investigaciones Jurídicas
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas
UNAH, Honduras

Elias Garcia Urquia
Facultad de Ingeniería
UNAH, Honduras

Miguel Flores
Coordinador General de Posgrado
Facultad de Odontología
UNAH, Honduras

Miguel Barahona
Coordinador de grupo de investigación
Facultad de Humanidades y Artes,

Ana Rendón
Investigadora y profesora
Facultad de Química y Farmacia
UNAH, Honduras

Wendy Murillo
Investigadora de la Escuela de Microbiología
Facultad de Ciencias
UNAH, Honduras

Rafael Núñez
Coordinador Académico de la carrera Administración de Empresas
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
UNAH, Honduras

Editing and Layout

Leticia Salomón
Head Chief of Scientific and Posgraduate Office
UNAH, Honduras

Nitzia Janine Vásquez Alvarado
Chief of Documentation and Information Department,
UNAH, Honduras

General Information

The content of each article is the responsibility of its author.
The subscription of this publication is free, they only charge the cost of shipping.