Editorial Committee of the Magazine
Martha Lorena Suazo Matute; Founding Editor; Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Honduras; Honduras; Doctor in Social Sciences with an orientation in Development Management; Master in Social Work; Degree in Legal and Social Sciences; email: martha.suazo@unah.edu.hn
Marysabel Zelaya Ochoa; Associate Editor; Coordinator of the Master in Demography and Development of the National Autonomous University of Honduras; Honduras; Doctor in Social Sciences with an orientation in Development Management; Master in Social Demography; Degree in Social Sciences; email: marysabel.zelaya@unah.edu.hn
Editorial committee:
Lorenzo Inocente Herrera de León; Retired Teacher of the Center for Demographic Studies; University of Havana; Cuba; Doctor in Economic Sciences with a specialty in Demography; Master in Statistics; Licensed in mathematics; email: pistacho.1@nauta.cu; lorenzoh28.12.1950@gmail.com
Maria Victoria Ponce; Secretariat of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Honduras; Honduras; Doctor in Social Sciences with Orientation in Development Management; Master in Social Demography; Degree in Social Work; email: maria.ponce@unah.edu.hn
Martha Lineth Gonzales Morales; Professor at the Francisco Morazán National Pedagogical University; Honduras; Master in Demography and Development; Degree in Social Sciences; email: marthalin2005@yahoo.es
Andrely Maelí Cisneros Flores; Researcher at the Institute of Economic and Social Research of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala; Guatemala; Master in Demography and Development; Degree in Economics; email: cisneros.andrely@usac.edu.gt; andrely.cisneros@gmail.com
Technical Committee:
Ana Carolina Paz Delgado; Technical Assistant of Strategic Management of the Master in Demography and Development of the National Autonomous University of Honduras; Honduras; Master in Demography and Development; Master in Local Development and Tourism; Engineer in Socioeconomic Development and Environment; email: ana.paz@unah.edu.hn
Astrid Elena Valle Rivera; Specialist in Management and Strategic Planning of the University Demographic Observatory of the National Autonomous University of Honduras; Honduras; Master's in Clinical and Health Psychology (intern); Degree in psychology; email: astrid.valle@unah.edu.hn
Ana Karenina Cardona Reyes; Specialist in Dissemination, Promotion and Communication of the University Demographic Observatory of the National Autonomous University of Honduras; Honduras; Master in International Cooperation and Management of Development Projects (graduate); Bachelor in Communication and Advertising with Orientation in Communication for Development; email: akcardona@unah.edu.hn
Administrative Affairs:
Lic. Yessica Carías
Honduran Art Printing