Factors associated with death from covid-19 in discharged from the National Cardiopulmonary Institute, Honduras, May-June 2020





covid-19, death, cases, controls


COVID-19 disease is caused by sars-cov2 virus, was reported for the first time in Wuhan, China in December 2019, presented (May 2021) a variable case fatality rate by country (Germany 1 %, Italy 7 %, and Honduras, 2.8 %). There are multiple known factors that influence the severity of the disease and have been related to short-term improvement or death prognosis: history of morbidity, acute respiratory symptoms, inflammatory markers. Objective: to determine the factors associated with death among covid-19 patients hospitalized between May and June 2020 at the National Cardiopulmonary Institute (INCP) in Tegucigalpa, mdc, Honduras. Type of study: Cases and Controls with retrospective data collection. Case: hospitalized covid-19 patient who died (n: 61). Control: hospitalized covid-19 patient who was discharged alive (n: 122); the sample was calculated with a confidence level of 95 %, statistical power of 80 % and a Cases Controls ratio of 1:2. Results: 57.4 % (105/183) of all patients included in the study were men between 50 and 79 years of age, common symptoms: dyspnea, cough and fever; a statistically significant difference between cases and controls was determined in terms of age, oxygen saturation and lactated dehydrogenase levels. The percentage of the event factor in the cases corresponded to 61.8 % (or: 4.677) and 22.7 % in the controls. Discussion: As revealed by preliminary studies carried out in China: age, oxygen saturation at admission and the level of Lactate De Hydrogenase (ldh in blood), turn out to be early prognostic factors for COVID-19 patients’ mortality.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Jeanneth Araujo Pleitez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Máster en Epidemiología e investigadora nacional.

Mario René Mejía Núñez

Máster en Epidemiología y Demografía Social, consultor e investigador nacional.

María José Grádiz

Especialista en Ciencias Forenses e investigadora nacional.

José Emanuel Cueva Núñez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Máster en Epidemiología e investigador nacional.

José Ángel Lara, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Máster en Epidemiología, investigador nacional y doctor en Ciencias de la Educación.

Gilberto Ariel Ramírez Ramos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Máster en Salud Pública e investigador nacional.

Gricelda Moncerrat Irías Hernández, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Máster en Epidemiología e investigadora nacional.

Vera Gissell Izaguirre Andino, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Máster en Epidemiología e investigadora nacional.



How to Cite

Araujo Pleitez, S. J. ., Mejía Núñez, M. R. ., Grádiz, M. J. ., Cueva Núñez, J. E. ., Lara, J. Ángel ., Ramírez Ramos, G. A. ., … Izaguirre Andino, V. G. . (2023). Factors associated with death from covid-19 in discharged from the National Cardiopulmonary Institute, Honduras, May-June 2020. Población Y Desarrollo - Argonautas Y Caminantes, 19(1), 133–141. https://doi.org/10.5377/pdac.v19i1.17059


