Social production of the reintegration route of the FARC-EP, systemic subsumption and reproduction of armed conflict




Social production, technopolitical processing, macroorganizational game, reincorporation, peace building


Public policies and programmatic formulations are in themselves a product and a field of social production, where, through actions and facts, the actors create possibilities of reality. This principle also occurred in the social production of the National Reincorporation Route of the FARC-EP -RRN-, which although it is part of the Final Peace Agreement of 2016, reproduces a tension-contradiction between two transition models: the minimalist model of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, and the maximalist collective reincorporation with transformative horizons. Thus, the present investigation seeks to analyze the social production, the technopolitical processing and the macro-organizational game of the NRN, between the years 2010 and 2020. Giving account of the structures in which it is framed and the structuring processes that are developed, in relation to the actors who cooperate and confront each other. For this, the Social Game Theory approach was used, mainly rescuing the concepts of technopolitical processing, macro organizational game, government and government triangle, operating them through various matrix tools, such as the situational flowchart of the Strategic Planning Situational Method -PES-. Having as a point of arrival an articulated reconstruction of the situational trajectory through which the NRN was produced, which tended to a progressive simplification of its structural scope, without recognition and response capabilities to an armed conflict that has entered a new phase, prioritizing direct and individualizing control over a gradually dispersed ex-combatant group.


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Author Biography

Juan Camilo Barragán Martínez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Politólogo, Especialista en Justicia, Víctimas y Construcción de Paz y Maestrante en Políticas Públicas, con énfasis en investigación, de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Investigador del Observatorio de Juventud de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Estudiante Auxiliar de Investigación de Posgrado en el proyecto “Producción Social, procesamiento tecnopolítico y juego macro organizativo de la Ruta de Reincorporación Nacional de las FARC-EP (2010-2020)”, desarrollado desde la Unidad de Investigaciones Socio-jurídicas Gerardo Molina de la Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.



How to Cite

Barragán Martínez, J. C. (2022). Social production of the reintegration route of the FARC-EP, systemic subsumption and reproduction of armed conflict. Revista Latinoamericana Estudios De La Paz Y El Conflicto, 4(7), 89–111.



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