The Revista Ciencias Espaciales is a biannual publication of the Faculty of Space Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, (UNAH).
The content of each article is the responsibility of its author (s). The subscription of this publication is free, only the cost of your shipment will be charged.
Ciencias Espaciales is also available on its own website.
Economics and Management(E& A)is published bythe Institute ofEconomic and Social Research(IILS), Faculty of Economic Sciences(FCE) at the National AutonomousUniversity ofHonduras.
The Law Review of the Legal Research Institute of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Honduras has an investigative trajectory of more than fifty (50) years, said academic product has managed to consolidate research and legal articles among other scientific works, that are part of the tradition of university work and are reflected in the Law Review, thus generating a national and international space for consolidated researchers with a long career in inquiry, as well as those who wish to exhibit their first works and intellectual productions.
The articles published by La Revista de Derecho comply with the rigor of the scientific and legal research method. Our magazine is already the favorite place to publish for many who have the discipline and rigor to present their findings and scientific conjectures to the intellectual community as citizens in general, to shed light and facilitate the interpretation of legal reality in the light of the truth verified in their works.
Journal for Students - Graduate and Postgraduate Researchers UNAH. Biannual publication of the Directorate for Scientific Research and Postgraduate Studies, National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH).
La Revista de la Universidad es el órgano oficial de comunicación de la UNAH desde 1909. Dirigida a expresar el quehacer universitario en sus funciones sustantivas y estratégicas ligadas a los diferentes ámbitos como la difusión cultural, creación, crítica literaria, gestión cultural y gestión del conocimiento; todas ellas visibles en sus ocho secciones destinadas a investigación científica, académica y cultural.
Population and Development: Argonautas y Caminantes is an academic journal edited by the Master in Demography and Development of the National Autonomous University of Honduras; It is published every December on an annual basis. Its objective is to permanently publicize the scientific production of research results on issues related to population and development.
Paintings: This edition has a pictorial sample of the painter Leticia Banegas. The plastic work of this extraordinary Honduran woman is unique and indescribable, who with the magic of her brush lets her imagination fly, capturing in her work the archetype of the different facets that mark the lives of women in diverse contexts.
Revista Latinoamericana Estudios de la Paz y el Conflicto
Latin American Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies (ReLaPaC) is a scientific research journal published by the National Autonomous University of Honduras through the Peace Area of the University Institute for Democracy, Peace and Security (IUDPAS-UNAH), sponsored and co-edited by the Latin American Council for Peace Research (CLAIP). The publication focuses on the dissemination of academically relevant knowledge related to the discipline of Peace and Conflict Studies, with particular emphasis on the knowledge developed in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The interdisciplinary nature of the journal allows it to address the wide range of issues related to peace and conflict. The journal is aimed at all those with different academic and professional backgrounds who are interested in research and action for peace.
La revista UNAH Sociedad se constituye en un espacio de reflexión de la práctica y fundamentos teóricos que sustentan la función de vinculación universidad sociedad busca promover un modelo de escritura que supera el relato factual de las experiencias en esta función y fomentar la importancia para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje el establecer relaciones con actores sociales en el territorio.
El portal de revistas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH) es una plataforma
en línea que brinda acceso y difusión a las revistas académicas y científicas producidas por la
comunidad universitaria.
Proporciona un espacio centralizado donde los investigadores, profesores y estudiantes pueden
publicar y compartir sus investigaciones y estudios en diversas disciplinas académicas.
Acceso abierto: Las revistas publicadas en el portal están disponibles de forma gratuita para
cualquier usuario interesado.
Diversidad de revistas: El portal alberga una amplia variedad de revistas que abarcan diferentes
áreas temáticas, como ciencias sociales, ciencias naturales, humanidades, tecnología, salud,
entre otras.
Este portal tiene como objetivo principal promover la visibilidad y el intercambio de
conocimiento generado en la institución.
Acta Pediátrica Hondureña
Ciencias Espaciales
Economía y Administración (E&A)
Revista Científica de la Escuela Universitaria de las Ciencias de la Salud
La Revista de Derecho
Revista Ciencia y Tecnología
Revista de la Escuela de Física
Portal de la Ciencia
Revista de la Universidad
Población y Desarrollo - Argonautas y Caminantes
Revista Latinoamericana Estudios de la Paz y el Conflicto